A Mold Remediation Solution that Can Save You Time & Money if You Live in the Charleston, SC, Area

The need for mold remediation is an ever-present threat for homeowners in Charleston, South Carolina, and surrounding communities because this low-lying area is especially at risk for flooding. When floodwaters inundate your home or workplace, the moisture that lingers after the water recedes can provide the perfect breeding ground for mold. Building codes intended to minimize structural damage may require flood openings in crawlspaces or a ground floor that’s designed to take in storm surges, but that won’t address the potential for damage from mold. In fact, these regulations may increase the everyday risk of fungal growth because the requirements leave your floor joists, support beams, and floor decking susceptible to continuous exposure to moisture, especially if you have waterfront property.

Fortunately, EnviroShield has the ideal mold remediation solution for property owners in the Charleston, SC, area. Our Enviro-MT™ coating is a highly effective way to eradicate mold, and it typically costs far less than the remedies offered by other mold remediation companies. It also requires much less time to apply this coating to surfaces affected by mold growth than to tear out and replace structural elements of a building.

Here are some additional reasons you’ll want to consider EnviroShield for your mold prevention and removal needs:

  • Enviro-MT™ can be applied to damp (not wet) surfaces, including concrete, drywall, and wood. This is a special benefit in the case of damp wood because our coating allows the lingering water to escape slowly and thus reduces the risk of warping.
  • Our mold remediation approach provides a permanent solution because Enviro-MT™ not only kills existing mold, but also eliminates the moisture that new spores would need to thrive.
  • When you have Enviro-MT™ professionally applied to the area of mold growth in your home or business, you’ll receive a fully transferable 10-year warranty against the return of mold, and that’s a level of warranty protection that’s rarely offered in the mold remediation industry.

Contact EnviroShield today to learn more about the advantages of choosing this innovative mold remediation product for your home or business in Charleston, SC.