Prevention of Mold Regrowth Is an Important Part of Your Mold Treatment Strategy

Mold TreatmentThere are many mold treatment companies in just about any community in the United States, but no matter what methods they use, few address the issue of mold regrowth. If you’ve discovered mold growing on the walls, flooring, or ceiling of your home or workplace, it’s important to kill it before beginning any repairs to the damaged surface. However, simply removing the existing mold with a bleach-and-water solution won’t be enough to prevent mold from taking root again – especially if you’re not certain that you’ve eliminated the source of moisture that allowed mold to thrive in the first place.

Although a flood event or a leaky pipe under your sink might be obvious sources of moisture, sometimes ongoing condensation or a tiny plumbing leak can go unnoticed and provide the ideal conditions for mold to grow and spread. Even a mold treatment plan that includes costly demolition and replacement of building materials may not keep mold from coming back if the conditions are favorable for mold growth.

A Mold Treatment Solution that Includes Prevention of Regrowth

Fortunately, there’s an effective and less costly approach to mold treatment than tearing out drywall and ceiling tiles: Enviro-MT™. This innovative coating, available exclusively from EnviroShield, banishes mold for good by depriving it of the moisture it needs to survive. Enviro-MT™ bonds tightly to just about any porous material, such as concrete, wood, or drywall, and it can even be applied to damp (not wet) surfaces.

Best of all, when Enviro-MT™ is applied by one of our approved Applicators, you’ll receive a 10-year limited warranty against the return of mold to the application site. And that’s an exceptional level of warranty protection in the industry.

For more information about the advantages of including Enviro-MT™ in your mold treatment plan, contact EnviroShield today. We also welcome inquiries from contractors interested in becoming approved Applicators for our products.