EnviroShield Testimonials

Paul Jodice
Mansfield, MA
July 16, 2005

Hello EnviroShield,

I recently purchased a home in Mansfield and totally remodeled it. Subsequently and very unfortunately I discovered that this dwelling had a terrible mold problem in the basement. To make matters worse, I am asthmatic and extremely allergic to mold! Recently, I had to vacate my previous office space because of a severe mold infestation.

A friend told me of your product. So I contacted you and you inspected my basement and described what you would do. Well, I wasn’t sure what to do but since my friend had recommended the product and
since your warranty was so strong, I took a chance.

And I’m glad I did! The results were astounding!

It got rid of the mold and odor. But the best part was EnviroShield stopped any moisture from seeping through the foundation. I am now adding a workshop, bathroom and family room to previously wasted space.

Thank you and good luck with your company.


Mr. and Mrs. Ralph DePillo
Dennis, MA
July 22, 2006

Hey Sal,

I hear you guys are trying to expand your company … GOOD LUCK!

I would like to tell your customers that you did some work for me way back in 1995.

My house was built on a salt water marsh across the street from a beach.

When high tide rolled in the cellar would become extremely damp , especially in the summer months. And so, I had a real bad mold problem.

The mold created an intolerable odor – it was horrible!

After the basement was treated with your EnviroShield product, the dampness went away and the mold and odor never returned.

Within the past few years we’ve finished our basement and added a bedroom and den and workshop and have absolu tely no problem with mold. I can’t believe it ten years later and EnviroShield just keeps on ticking


Ralph DePillo

Ann Montgomery
July 22, 2006

181 St George Rd
S Thomaston, ME 04858

To Whom It May Concern

I own a summer home in West Yarmouth. It is a split level ranch with a walk-out basement.

I was unable to do anything with the basement because it was so damp. Water was oozing through my basement walls! I could not even run a humidifier because it would freeze up from overworking.

I had the basement treated with EnviroShield and overnight, it eliminated the dampness and the smell of mold

I’m planning to finish off the cellar and add a bedroom, den and bathroom.

Ann Montgomery

Gregory P. Centeio II
Mansfield, MA
May 25, 2006

Mr. Sal Costanzo

Dear Sal:

I want to thank you for treating my basement with your product. I am amazed at how well it worked in our basement. My son and I both have asthma and were unable to go into the basement without any problems prior to your product being applied. We have had a musty smell of mold in our basement since we bought the house.

The day after you came to our house and applied the first coat, my wife and I noticed the smell to be gone. We had a company give us a price on fiberglass panels costing $45,000.00 and they would not guarantee against mold or odor. My family and I can now go into the basement without becoming ill and have now started renovating the basement to be used as an office space and a family room/play area.

After seeing the results of your product, I plan to treat my home on Nantucket. My brother-in-law is planning to use the product on his new home he is building next to the water. My father-in-law was so pleased with the product, he has already set up an appointment with you to treat his basement. My friend from Westport will be treating his basement also. My neighbor Sharon was so her sister-in-law is going to have her attic treated.

… Your no mess application of my basement will benefit us for years to come. …

Gregory P. Centeio II

Sandy Lowry
Doylestown, Ohio
October 07

Hi Guys,

Wanted to give you an update on the EnviroShield Coating that you applied to my old concrete basement floor back in August of 2003.

Maybe you remember my home … it’s the big white Victorian built 1910. It has a barn stone foundation that leaked whenever it rained.

In 1997, a company came in and waterproofed my basement with some plastic wall liner and a trench around the basement floor which leads to a pump area where the water collects and eventually pumps out to a sewer line.

In May 2004, in Ohio we had several days of hard rain, so much so, that the rain was coming in faster than the pump could remove it. The water department came to my rescue and pumped the water out. Unfortunately, before my rescuers got to my house, the water was over my ankles.

Well, after several hours the water was pumped out. The water had sat on my EnviroShield coated basement floor for several hours; I thought for sure your coating would simply be a mess.

To my surprise, my floor was perfect – like the day you applied the EnviroShield!!!!!!!!!

No bubbling! No flaking! No discoloration! No odor! No mold! I know you kept telling me that EnviroShield loves water but well, I guess I just didn’t understand.

Last week, another mess, and that’s what prompted me to write to you – I came home, after 4 days away at my daughters house. I heard a noise. It was the sound a steady stream of water makes. I followed the horrible noise to the basement: my hot water tank had sprung a leak and was sitting in a few inches of water! Again, the pump had failed to get all the water out. Once again my fire department heroes came to my rescue and removed the water.

I could see the high water line on the wood pallets I use for storing boxes, but still, your coating was perfect: no bubbles, no loose paint, no discoloration and best of all, no musty or moldy smell.

Thanks for putting your EnviroShield on my basement floor.

Sandy Lowry

Ed DeChellis
1136 County Road
Walpole, New Hampshire 03608 Sept 15th, 2007

To the Folks at EnviroShield,

You asked if I would take the time to write a description of a problem I had in my basement, and what EnviroShield did to cure that problem and finally, if I am happy with the results.

First – Yes! My wife and I extremely happy with the results!

Several years ago we purchased a home in New Hampshire. It’s a home for our retirement.

We bought the house during one of the driest summers in memory. Still, there was a musty odor in the basement that gave us some concern. The previous owner admitted there had been a minor water problem that occurred during a period of extraordinary rainfall. He assured us that the problem was corrected.

Well, caveat emptor. As you observed it was far from minor: the walls and floors oozed with moisture. Sometimes there were even puddles. Mold was growing everywhere. Our washer and dryer are in the basement, but there was so much mold in the basement air that my wife couldn’t go down there: it made her physically ill!

After you applied the EnviroShield coating the mold and odor instantly disappeared. I emphasize instantly!!!!!!!!!!!!

This past month was extremely wet: over 3” of rain in just one weekend.

no puddles on the floor;
no moisture in the air;
no mold; and
no odor.

The basement is dry; my wife’s allergies have subsided; and I don’t have to do the laundry alone anymore J

Thanks from me and from my wife,

Ed DeChellis

Dom Cucinotta
13 Lockwood St.
Franklin, Ma. 02038 October 31st, 2007

To the Guys at EnviroShield: Thank You.

To everyone else, let me tell you my story.

I had mold in my house, more specifically, in my basement. Of course, I didn’t know this until after I had finished my basement. By ‘finish’, I mean, sheet rocked the walls and carpeted the floors.

Well, I hired a basement waterproofing contractor. He tore out my walls and carpeting because they were infected and stained with mold. Then he installed expensive French drains on both the inside and outside of the basement walls.

After all that, I re-‘finished’ and refurnished my basement.

Six months later: Mold! Everywhere! There was mold on the carpets, walls, ceiling, furniture, even on the labels of an expensive wine collection.

In mid 2006, I once again ripped out the carpeting, ceilings and walls.

Then I heard about EnviroShield. You explained to me that the concrete in my basement was acting like a sponge, absorbing water from the ground and releasing it into my warm basement: My basement was a mold incubator. Well, I wasn’t sure what to believe, but I was desperate and hired you to apply your guaranteed product.

Not long after the application of EnviroShield, the mold had not yet resurfaced and you asked me for a testimonial. I waited. I wanted to make sure EnviroShield really worked under my worst conditions. I monitored the floors and walls, especially in the rainy season – the mold season!

The rains came and went. The mold never re-surfaced. I felt confident enough to rebuild my basement for the third time. Now more than a year has passed, a wet year, one of the wettest recorded in local history and the walls are dry and there is absolutely no mold or odor and the dehumidifier that used to run relentlessly, seldom turns on.

Now, I’ll write that testimonial! I recommend EnviroShield.


Dom Cucinotta